Thursday, March 19, 2009

Drink Lots of Kangen Water Toward Health

Do you remember the last time you drank fresh water that was free? It was probably some time during the 1970s. With all the pollutants in the environment as well as irresponsible humans taking advantage of the earth's natural resources, clean and fresh water is very rare, nowadays. Contaminated water in oceans and rivers contaminates our drinking water and bathing water, as well as contaminating the food we eat and the liquids we drink. Furthermore, many people are obese due to all the acidic food they eat in fast food and junk food. Such acidic food as well as the contaminated water creates various illnesses and diseases that shortens the life span for many individuals in society. One way to combat such toxins is to detoxify your body as well as the food and liquids you consume by drinking lots of fresh water. Now, you can get such fresh water by drinking Kangen Water, the fresh water of the future.

Kangen is a Japanese word that means "return to the origin." All you need to do is buy a Enagic machine and attach it to your faucet. This instrument will filter your tap water and ionize it. This ionization will create alkaline water by taking out the acids, and placing calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium and minerals, instead. In the process, the water will become very antioxidant; and, therefore, helps to better hydrate your body. As this water hydrates your body, it will detoxify and rid the acids via the individual's kidneys, bowel, lymph and skin. The cells, inside the individual's body, will be cleaner and function better.

The acids in the body need to be cleansed because they can increase the aging process of the individual. As the acid in the blood, urine and saliva increases inside the body, the oxidation will also increase, creating various illnesses and diseases, such as bacteria, viruses, fungus, cancer and death. Furthermore, these acids are formed by eating certain food, such as refined food, sugar, white flour, meat, alcohol, soda, sport drinks, flavored water and fried food, as well as stress, toxic chemicals and contaminated water. Also, bottled water contains contaminated water as well as various chemicals, such as bacteria, antibiotics, Bisphenol A and arsenic, from the plastic and the tap water.

In order to detoxify your body daily, you must practice the four following methods religiously. Learn to relax and de-stress by performing some sort of exercise and meditation routine. Buy fruits and vegetables that are organic as well as non-toxic cleaning products. Drink, at least, eight glasses of alkaline water per day, as well as drinking freshly squeezed juices that detoxify your body on a daily basis. As you detoxify your body and cleanse the impurities inside you body, the healthy food that you eat will be more digestible and you will lose weight in the process.

Antioxidants are made up of vitamins C and E as well as beta carotene and selenium. Such vitamins help keep the human body and the cells inside it healthy and strong. As a result, people will reduce being sick, as well as reducing the possibility of getting infections, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's or cancer.

Therefore, drinking Kangen Water promotes health throughout the body, and allowing you to feel good about the inside of your body as you look good on the outside, with a lighter, slimmer and healthier body that is filled with energy and vitality.

1 comment:

  1. water makes a lot of wonder... drinking 8 glasses a day would truly make a lot of difference... had not encountered kangen water... but i agree about hydrating oneself is good for the health. Yahweh bless.
